It’s DONE!

I finished writing the first draft of Fuzzy Business 3!  I may add a little epilogue this weekend, and my friends are helping me edit it in the coming weeks.  I also hired a new artist to do the cover this time.  I’m hoping I can have it ready for release before Christmas.  Hooray!

On a side note, I will be running a craft table with my books available for sale in North Brookfield and Auburn Massachusetts, on Oct. 3 and 10, respectively.  Come say hi and buy a book!

Ends and Beginnings

So I have another new job… this time I’m working for a meat farm.  So yay!  Free meat!  Part of the perks of farming.  I’m also working on promoting my books, and will be having a booth at a few local craft fairs in October.  Going to give a copy of Ugly Farm to my daughter’s school soon.

Fuzzy Business 3 , first draft, is ALMOST COMPLETE!

Have to get writing….

Remember, there is a link on the left hand side of the page to order my books, on Amazon AND wholesale!