Get Fuzzy Business 3 FOR FREE!

Fuzzy Business 3: End Game will be a FREE Kindle download from Wednesday, November 25th through Saturday, November 28th! If you just got book one during the free promotion, now is the time to buy book two and finish off the series!

Yes, believe me, you DO want to buy Fuzzy Business 2: Fuzz Harder… or you will be out of the loop when you start book 3!

Let your friends know! And once you read it, let ME know what you think! Here is my first paperback copy with my ridiculously fat cat, Mister:


FREE Kindle Download!

To prepare for the upcoming release of Fuzzy Business 3: End Game, I am running a promotion.  Please share with your friends! Fuzzy Business will be a FREE Kindle download from Friday, November 13th through Tuesday, November 17th.

Use the link at the left or you can find it HERE. Thanks, guys!