Random Updates

Well, nobody won the poster.  Why? Because NOBODY commented on the entry that would have automatically entered them to win!  Where are my fans at? Guess I just have to hold on to these posters myself for awhile.

In other news, Imperfect Produce, a food delivery company out in California, is now carrying copies of Ugly Farm to sell to their customers.  How cool is that?!  Hopefully the book is getting the message out.  This is an ugly peach, by the way:


Do you read Ugly Farm to your kids at night?

Win a Fuzzy Business Poster!

This is a contest for fans of my Fuzzy Business book series.  You can WIN a beautifully-printed 11″x 17″ poster of the first Fuzzy Business cover artwork, signed by me!  All you need to do is like this blog post and COMMENT on it.  Tell me which book is your favorite and why.  That’s it!  One winner will be chosen by Saturday, February 13th.  Make sure I can contact you through your comment or profile in order to get your address to ship you the poster.  And feel free to share this post with others so they can enter too!


Thanks, guys!