Still Writing

Not sure who, if anyone, actually still reads this blog, but I’m going to go for it anyhow.

It’s been seven years since the events that took place which made me decide to leave my husband for another man. Yes, that happened.

While I regret the pain my actions caused, I don’t regret for one moment the outcome. I’ve never been happier in my life.

So, I’m writing about it.

Yes, I am still slowly plugging away at my other fantasy novel (been five years now) but the words don’t flow quite as easily and I struggle with plot holes occasionally.

This story, obviously a romance, has been flying out of my fingers as if they were on fire. I am at the stage where I’m just trying to get it all written down. I will refine it after that, then look for beta readers in search of secondary and tertiary editing ideas.

Do you ever read romance? I’ve changed the names, of course, but I am writing things the way they happened from my perspective, leaving as little out as I dare. It will be raw, it will be graphic, it will be emotional.

But it will also be me.

Are you interested?

Burn, Do Not Read! Book Review

See? I told you I review other people’s books!

This one in particular was handed to me in person back in August. I must apologize to the author, Kevin Flanders, for taking so long to get to it; The Count of Monte Cristo takes FOREVER to read when you’ve got a job and kids as well.


Now, to the book: Burn, Do Not Read! By Kevin Flanders.  I have to start off by saying that I didn’t necessarily hold any hopes for this novel, as it was self-published, and as you may know, such books are a hit or miss.  As I began reading, I was afraid it might be a miss; the font changed back and forth between two or three different types, the speaker changed what tense he was speaking in, and the format of the paragraphs was broken at very odd places, breaking up the flow of reading.  I WAS given a “Sample Copy,” however, so I will give the author the benefit of the doubt.  The tense issues mostly ceased by the second or third chapter, and the flow got much better. Basically, all I am saying here is that the book, as I was given it, could use the touch of an experienced editor.

As to the MEAT of the story itself, I will tell you that while I don’t generally go for the suspense/thriller genre, this book definitely qualifies as such. I was engrossed.  The story follows the heartbreaking case of Jack Gibson, a grandfather and recovered alcoholic, who dives dangerously close back into alcoholism when he accidentally hits and kills a 6-year-old boy with his truck one day.  The incident serves to haunt Jack throughout the rest of the book, despite the best efforts of his loving wife Mary, who in turn dies herself a year later.  The combined tragedy drives Jack to decide to leave his life behind and move into a house (which he buys online, sight-unseen but for internet photos), clear across the country, much to the consternation of his family members.

The house is desolate, lonely, creepy, and (I don’t care what anyone else says) totally freaking haunted.  Once Jack has moved, his life seems to jump from livable and almost carefree to a nightmare in his own home, due to the strange sounds and loss of lights… not to mention the constantly-howling coyotes and the scary stories he’s heard about the previous occupants of his little house in the woods. I don’t want to give away the story in its entirety, but I will say that I read on the edge of my seat quite often, and found myself wondering what would happen next, even while out taking a walk on my own.  I was eager to read more, and the plight of Jack being torn between the enticing “sanity” that could be brought back to him by alcohol or the fight with whatever demonic figure was possessing his house was one I could not wait to finish.

Alas, the book does end.  I was on the edge of my seat up until the second-to-last chapter, when the nail-biting terror suddenly stops.  I have to say that the ending was terribly anticlimactic.  So much build-up… it was frustrating to read.  I felt like the story had no tangible resolution, and we are left to wonder what actually happened in the creepy house in the dark woods.

Still, the rest of the book is totally worth the read.  And if you are of a religious tendency, perhaps you can make your own meaning from the end of the story.  I, personally, am going to let my imagination run wild and start drawing monsters in my sketchbook.



I have been busy, busy, busy!  The holiday season is here, and I do hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Work has been crazy, making wreaths, porch pots, baskets, and all sorts of Christmas evergreen decorations every day til I come home covered in pine sap.

I have been working on my apocalyptic future fantasy book, more sporadically than I ought to be, but I am still writing.  I still haven’t had many reviews or heard a lot of feedback about Fuzzy Business 3, so I thought as a Christmas gift to you (for Small Business Saturday) I would run a FREE PROMOTION!

Saturday, November 26th through Monday, November 28th, ALL THREE of my Fuzzy Business books will be a FREE Kindle download!  You can find links to all three books to the left of this page (if you are on a computer), or by scrolling to the bottom on your phone screen.

As always, PLEASE write a review if you read one of my books!  It really helps a lot, and also lets me know if you want me to write more!  Thank you, and enjoy!

Review Offer!

I have dabbled before… (see PAWS Review)… but now I think I am ready to take on a real challenge.

I would like to read and review your book.

I vastly prefer novels in the genre of fantasy, science fiction, or mystery/thriller, but I will be happy to read a synopsis of your book and decide if it is something I would be interested in.  If the material doesn’t interest me, I can’t read it. I do enjoy a bit of history as well, so historical thrillers or historical romance (not smut) would be considered.

Here is the catch: you will need to provide me with a copy of your book (I have a Kindle, or hard copies are acceptable) and $1 to my PayPal. If these terms are agreeable, please send your review request to

Warning: I am a Grammar/ English Nazi. If your writing or grammar is terrible, I will not be able to finish reading the book and I will refund your fee. Please write a personal email to prove how articulate you are when you pitch me your story.

Thank you! I look forward to your books!



Win a Fuzzy Business Poster!

This is a contest for fans of my Fuzzy Business book series.  You can WIN a beautifully-printed 11″x 17″ poster of the first Fuzzy Business cover artwork, signed by me!  All you need to do is like this blog post and COMMENT on it.  Tell me which book is your favorite and why.  That’s it!  One winner will be chosen by Saturday, February 13th.  Make sure I can contact you through your comment or profile in order to get your address to ship you the poster.  And feel free to share this post with others so they can enter too!


Thanks, guys!

Get Fuzzy Business 3 FOR FREE!

Fuzzy Business 3: End Game will be a FREE Kindle download from Wednesday, November 25th through Saturday, November 28th! If you just got book one during the free promotion, now is the time to buy book two and finish off the series!

Yes, believe me, you DO want to buy Fuzzy Business 2: Fuzz Harder… or you will be out of the loop when you start book 3!

Let your friends know! And once you read it, let ME know what you think! Here is my first paperback copy with my ridiculously fat cat, Mister:
